Saturday 2 February 2013

Well Hello bloggypeeps!


I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas and got everything their heart desired! I got some beautiful things, but I am loathe to do a "Christmas Haul" type post... Not least because on the 24th of January... It's a little late, non?

Really happy with my gifts though, not only those I receieved, but those that I got for other people. I put a lot more thought into my gifting this year, and as my first year as a person what has a full time job (next christmas it is back to studentdom :() I was able, for the first time in years, to buy people what I actually wanted to buy them, not just what I could afford!

My beautiful Hemingway, and my Christmassy foot! Xmas 2012

But enough about Christmas, and more about 2013! 2012 was a massive suck fest for me on a personal level. For various reasons that I don't really want to go into. It was a year of loss and huge upheaval for not only me, but my whole family. Things on January 24th 2013 are absolutely nothing like things on January 24th 2012. Last year I feel like although I was suffering with a loss, in a way I have gained something.

Before you think me mad, let me explain.

I have always liked to think of myself as this tough chick. Hard as nails. Inside however, I was a bundle of nervousness, lack of self worth, lack of confidence etc etc. As 2012 drew to a close, I decided that 2013 would be the year that I became what I want to be, the person I want to be.

I decided not to do anything drastic to start with, but to slowly prune out the parts of my life that I am unhappy with, or find lacking, then to 'water' the parts that I LOVE. And see what kind of Lenore grows in these fertile soils!.... Little over the top with the horticultural references there I think.

So what have I pruned and/or watered?

I did the typical mass twitter exodus. I deleted all those celebrities that I just had to follow when I found out they had a twitter, then all the people I found boring, then all the things I added for a reason that was now unclear to me... and then.... then the hard bit.
What about all those people that you have added because you should? People like boyfriends friends girlfriends (not a problem I myself face, as my boyfriends best friends girlfriends are in  fact my bestfriends... that gets as confusing as it sounds). People like the friend of your friend, who you don't really see or particularly get on with, but it might be awkward if you see them again after deleting them.

In the end, I just thought... Fuck it. I deleted them... Facebook cull is looming though, and I'm not sure if I'm going to be as brave this time!

I love to cook! It is one of my simplest and greatest of pleasures, to cook good food and let my family and friends enjoy it. Last year I started cooking a homemade meal most nights, as it got easier and I added more meals under my belt (ho ho ho) I found that it wasn't that hard for me to cook every night. So we are eating better food and more healthy for it!

I'm going to come clean. I'm a bit of a Sherlock. I don't play well with others and I don't make new friends easily. However, this last year I have made one or two friends that I like to refer to as lifetime friends. The sort of friends I hope to still be friends with when I'm all old and wrinkly. So instead of keeping up halfarsed efforts to talk to people I don't particularly like, I have started nurturing two really good and healthy friendships.

Happier, more smiley Gray!

I'm a bit marmite. People either really like me and my quirks and flaws straight away, or really dislike me. I don't mind which camp people fall into, as I don't run my life as a popularity contest... However, I do sometimes feel myself consciously dumbing myself down, or pretending to be interested in things I'm not to fall in with people better. Over the last year I have learned to better discern the line between being friendly and interested so as not to be obnoxious and rude, and faking interest to gain friends. No more of the latter, I'm happy to say! I've also taken massive efforts with my 'look' in this first part of the year, I will never be a person with a definitive style as such, but I have started being much more into putting effort into making myself well turned out!

So yes, massively over the top and long post, but I did have a massive break, so it was probably needed, to get me back on this crazy horse called blogging!

What did you guys do last year or this year to make yourself the best you can be?


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